
China is a country very rich titanium spring wire

China is a country very rich in titanium resources , after decades of development , has been formed from titanium, titanium sponge , titanium and titanium smelting production , titanium equipment manufacturing as a whole industrial system. medical grade titanium alloy China titanium for the aerospace industry is also the rise of our country in the 1980s determined to promote the principle of civilian titanium , the state has taken a timely manner to support the policy , titanium industry was on the path of stable development. However, the current scale of production in China and titanium and titanium industry there is a great gap between the world's developed countries , in the civil industry is also a small amount of titanium , the reason is the superiority of titanium material has not medical titanium alloy been widely recognized , coupled with the high price of titanium material many companies can not afford to make a direct impact on the promotion of the use of titanium materials. For China 's titanium industry has been rapid development , we must vigorously publicize and promote the use of titanium metal, titanium metal material so that the superiority and the use of titanium material can bring economic and social benefits are well known.

