
medical titanium bar Titanium can be formed using conventional processes

Typically aluminum and steel at room temperature ductility is also good , rebound is not serious , stamping general titanium bars water to be heated , and more at room temperature for forming the so-called " cold forming ." Its forming process can be divided into : cutting , sheet metal bending ( bending , pulling probe ( rolling ) , spinning, skinning technology shape ( stretch forming ) , profiles bending , drop hammer forming, rubber molding capacity counters , swelling waves , taken shape and heavy pressure , pressure subsidence , etc. These processes for forming aluminum and steel has been quite a boil , known as the traditional forming process .
    For the forming of titanium and itanium bars for sale titanium alloy plates to sink these traditional techniques can be utilized . Thus rational titanium plate deformation range is very narrow, forming the required force, easy to crack , rebound severe difficulties forming Compared with aluminum molding process parameters , there is not a lot to ask , must be experimentally determined . Complex shapes and demanding parts , hot forming dense and hot school playing shape . Thermoforming is to increase buy titanium bar the deformability of the titanium alloy and lower forming force , to reduce the forming step , forming part of reducing springback ; thermal shape correction accuracy to solve the shortage caused by springback .

